Great Places Have Soul

Great places have soul. They aren't simply about great architecture, great infrastructure or great locations. There is a life to great places, a vibrancy built on the relationship between the people who live, work and grow there and the place itself.

Great leadership recognises this.

It understands the importance of 'purpose', a sense of what we are about and what binds us in common. Leadership finds the articulation of this purpose, not through the abstract thought of a great individual but by connecting with the stories people tell about the place and their lives in it.

The expression of these stories makes places come alive. A shared belief in who we are, what we stand for and why we are here connects into people's energy and opens the way for us to do great things together. Great places are not 'made' by good administration, they are served by it.

Some places have a feel for how to do this, they make wise decisions together, feeling when to be bold and how to be true custodians of their predecessors aspirations. Many places have lost connection with this vibe. Rapid growth, steady decline and social change can leave places needing to attend to themselves to find afresh their connection and soul and thus the activities that nourish them.

This means reconnecting with each other, experimenting with what might work and uncovering some of the invisible dynamics that hold us in unproductive patterns and relationships.

When we do this we unleash the creative potential in places that allows people to live meaningful lives. We reconnect places with their soul.

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