Is it really so good to fail?

Fail fast fail often is the official new manta of change. We encourage failure whilst at the same time the organisational consequences are heavy. No wonder the hidden mantra is 'play it safe' or

Rules That Limit Us (Emergence)

In our normal lives these rules may be quite evident or quite deeply hidden, even unconscious. What are the rules that allow us to weave our way along a crowded rush-hour pavement without repeated collisions

Bolivian Leadership

Wherever you go, whatever culture you're in, some things remain the same. Thinking about culture, group dynamics and leadership.

Great Places Have Soul

Great places have soul. They aren't simply about great architecture, great infrastructure or great locations. There is a life to great places, a vibrancy built on the relationship between the people who live, work and

Navigating Complexity- Eye For A Route

To the novice climber finding a way through the chaotic tumble of buttresses and gullies seems impossible. The lines seem hard to pick from a distance and just disappear once you are amongst the rocks

Feeling Fractals

By John Atkinson One of the things you notice when you work with human systems is that things keep recurring in the same way at different levels. For example, you notice that a difficult relationship

The Nature of Scale

As more people join, the levels of complexity grow both in terms of who ‘we’ are and how we relate to the rest of the world. By the time it has become a global corporation

Lewin: A closer look at the life and work of

(By John Atkinson) Kurt Lewin was one of the seminal thinkers on change who influenced much of our thinking through the 20th Century. He and his students were behind many of the key developments that